Official Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Northwest Africa 3163:
Northwest Africa 3163 Mauritania or Algeria Find: August 2005 Achondrite (lunar, feldspathic granulitic impactite)
History: In August 2005, G. Hupé purchased a 1634 g stone from a Moroccan dealer in Ouarzazate. Petrography and Geochemistry: (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS) The exterior is almost completely coated by a thin, transparent, greenish fusion crust. The pale gray interior has multiple shock fractures (with very minor calcite coatings) and some thin glass veins. Poikiloblastic recrystallized breccia, with larger grains of plagioclase (~70 vol%) enclosing much smaller grains (less than 100 ΅m across) of pyroxenes (~20 vol%), olivine (~10 vol%), and accessory Ti-chromite (Cr/(Cr+Al) = 0.7140.736; Mg/(Mg+Fe) = 0.121 0.143; TiO2 = 9.118.4 wt%), ilmenite, troilite, and metal (Ni = ~15 wt%). Anorthitic plagioclase (An97.498.2) has been converted by shock almost entirely to maskelynite (although domains of birefringent, less-shocked feldspar remain). Pigeonitic pyroxene grains have very fine-scale exsolution lamellae of augite (Fs14.516.1Wo40.240.5; FeO/MnO = 41.7 43.8) within orthopyroxene (Fs 32.033.9Wo4.45.8; FeO/MnO = 55.561.2). Olivine (Fa38.040.9; FeO/MnO = 91.7110). Classification: Achondrite (lunar, feldspathic granulitic impactite). Specimens: A 20.1 g type specimen and one polished thin section are on deposit at UWS. GHupé holds the main mass.
Scientific abstracts and news regarding NWA 3163:
Korotev R. L., Irving A. J., and Bunch T. E.
(2012) Keeping Up With the Lunar Meteorites 2012 (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XLIII, abstract no. 1152,
43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston.
Shafer J. T., Brandon A. D., Lapen T. J., Peslier A. H., Irving A. J.
(2011) Trace element geochemistry of a lunar granulite: Evidence from Northwest Africa 3163 (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XLII, abstract no. 1508,
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Hudgins J. A., Kelley S. P., Korotev R. L., and Spray J. G.
(2011) Mineralogy, geochemistry, and 40Ar - 39Ar geochronology of lunar granulitic
breccia Northwest Africa 3163 and paired stones: Comparisons with Apollo samples. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta75, 28652881.
Shafer J. T., Hall C., Lapen T. J., and Brandon A. D.
(2010) Northwest Africa 3163: A window into the deep lunar crust? (abstract)
Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2010, p. A939.
Kuehner S. M., Irving A. J., Gellissen M., and Korotev R. L.
(2010) Petrology and composition of lunar troctolitic granulite Northwest Africa 5744:
A unique recrystallized, magnesian crustal sample (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, abstract no. 1552,
41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston.
Fernandes V. A., Irving A. J., Kuehner S. M., Gellissen M., Korotev R. L., and Bandfield J. L.
(2009) Petrology, bulk composition, Ar-Ar age and IR emission spectrum
of lunar granulite Northwest Africa 4881 (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XL, abstract no. 2009,
40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston.
Korotev R. L., Zeigler R. A., Irving A. J., and Bunch T. E.
(2009) Keeping up with the Lunar Meteorites 2009 (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XL, abstract no. 1137,
40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston.
Hudgins J. A. and Spray J. G.
(2009) Lunar granulitic breccias: Differences between Apollo and meteorite samples (abstract).
72th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, number 5157.
Korotev R. L., Irving A. J., and Bunch T. E.
(2008) Keeping up with the lunar meteorites 2008 (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, abstract no. 1209,
39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston.
Korotev R. L.
(2006) New geochemical data for a some poorly characterized lunar meteorites (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, number 1404,
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Nishiizumi K. and Caffee M. W.
(2006) Constraining the number of lunar and martian meteorite falls (abstract).
In Meteorit. Planet. Sci.41, p. A133,
69th Annual Meeting, Meteoritical Society.
Irving A. J., Kuehner S. M., Korotev R. L., Rumble D. III, and Hupé G. M.
(2006) Mafic granulitic impactite NWA 3163: A unique meteorite from the deep lunar crust (abstract).
In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, abstract no. 1365,
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Complete 74.1g slice of NWA 3163.
Closeup image of exterior surface of NWA 3163.
False-color, back-scattered electron Image 1.
False-color, back-scattered electron Image 2.
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